Diary Entry: December 11, Age 16

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! I don’t want to grow up. I am, in a way, already there. BUT — I don’t want to lose the craziness, the abandon I experience sometimes. Loving PUNK, life, art, etc. When AM I going to be in…

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Diary Entry: December 10, Age 15

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [a reminder: i was in love with dane for more than a thousand days in high school. for almost every one of those days, he ignored me. almost.] At play rehearsal, Dane came up to me and asked “what…

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Diary Entry: December 9, Age 17

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [backstory: i lived in new york with my father; my mother lived in california.] Hello. Eeeeeh, what did I do today? I wrapped some Christmas presents, received a huge box from mom, chock-full of gifties that I can’t wait…

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Diary Entry: December 8, Age 14

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [backstory: my father was a psychiatrist. he was working at a mental hospital at the time of this entry.] Hmm. Well, weird — very weird day. After school, Naomi came over after delivering Christmas trees with Bobby. We started…

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Diary Entry: December 7, Age 17

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! Ronnie came over to my house, and we totally munched out and hung around. Then it was time to go to play rehearsal and I rehearsed, saw Dane, who has regressed again to his old self, but had occasional…

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Diary Entry: December 6, Age 14

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [backstory: Andy Legear was member of the relatively obscure band, Rosetta Stone, which featured members of the Bay City Rollers] Rebecca Legear. Becky Legear. Dr. Legear. Mrs. Legear. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Legear. Becky Haycox. Anyway, I really love…

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the age of mccarthyism is over

Hamblog had a sudden moral downturn this afternoon, and decided to blacklist any innocent human from posting comments. It was seeing commies everywhere, and even pointed its finger at me — my own blog blacklisted me. Backstabber. Obviously, it is drunk with power and this deranged witch hunt points to its own feels of inadequacy,…

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Diary Entry: December 5, Age 16

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! [backstory: i lived in bronxville, ny] After spending the coldest most miserable night in my life, I AM PREPARED. I am wearing fuzzy slippers, sox, pajames, a sweatshirt, socks on my hands, and muffler. Not to mention the 3…

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i needs your ideas, honey

And who says squeezing out half hearted blog entries doesn’t pay off? Thanks to NaBloPoMo, I am the proud recipient of Jessica from Kerflop‘s design services for a blog makeover! Here’s where you come in: tell me what you want in a blog. Tell me what you despise about blogs. I’m talking about interface and…

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Diary Entry: December 4, Age 15

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting actual excerpts from my actual teenage diaries! I can’t stand it. I have 35 bucks and I need to buy Christmas presents for Dad, Jane, John, Cecile, Claire, Lisa, Annie, Sally, Jesse, Sarah, Auntie … what am I going to do with my whopping budget?…

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