weirdness surpassing words

I went to college with Brenna. We spent a few years in our in our young adulthood, um, cutting a swath through San Francisco. We eventually drifted apart — she went off to raise her kids and I went off to do whatever it is I’ve done. It has been a singular pleasure to find…

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on the plus side

The trauma of the Big Move has subsided, pretty much. I promised to talk about the pros of moving and living where I do now, and so it shall be done. Money I have mentioned that the speed at which I am getting out of debt is really awesomely fantastically great. I get really Christmas-morning-level…

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last night’s mystery

Who was that barefoot middleaged lady standing on the sidewalk in front of an improv theatre last night? The one who insisted on a “field trip” to the dive bar around the corner? The one who refused a piggyback ride but accepted the ride offerer’s shoes to wear? Size 11 men’s sneakers? The one wearing…

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