Archive for June 2011
seattle ho.. again again
Tomorrow, I’m off to Seattle to the International Festival of Improvisation. This is my third trip; the first was in 2006 and the second in 2009. In my mind, I’ll always link this blog to that first trip in 2006; I created hamblog about the same time — even though I had been writing sporadically…
Read Morecraft corner (such as it is)
I have not created something with my hands in months. Months! I can blame my small area craft community’s drifting apart, or my move, or my caregiving duties … so I will. Darn you, other people and/or geography, for stopping me from crafting! I actually used the ol’ sewing machine yesterday; imagine me pulling it…
Read Moreshoe luck
My boat of shoe good luck just came in, a giant boat full of shoes. I had been feeling some real anxiety about the summer — my wardrobe is in order and is quite nice, actually, but my shoes? Nary a suitable pair for this season. I felt myself slipping down towards the lazy and…
Read Moreinland (nasal) passages
I have pretty lousy cold, caught from the manfriend (“are you sure it’s not a cold?” “no, it’s just allergies!” “are you sure?” “yes, now let’s exchange saliva!”*) *blogger’s artistic license taken while writing this dialog Even though I’m in the worst of it, lying in bed atop a stereotypical nest made of tissue, cough…
Read Moreaural side effect
Now that I’m listening to IQ-lowering radio pop (as I do every summer), I occasionally experience a bizarre side effect. When I was 17, I spent the summer with my mother (as I usually did — I lived with my dad during the school year). Mom lived in a place very close to where I…
Read Morethe yearly dumb-down
As I have mentioned before in this here blog, I like to listen to IQ-lowering radio stations during the summertime. Last year, it was the nutty R&B station; previous years, it’s been heavy metal or standard-issue American Rawk. Now that it’s unofficially summer, I have cranked up “The Rewind”, a local station bringing me the…
Read Morepurple passion
The jacaranda trees are in bloom here in Southern California. They’re quite pretty — grand and purple-bloomed — but are generally despised. The flowers, apparently, are messy — sticky and stainy when they plop to the ground. I suggest you bring up the jacaranda when you visit here. It’s pretty funny to hear the passion…
Read Moremight as well face it
Posting screen shots of silly iPhone autocorrect fails is the “I have no energy to post” meme. Although they can be hilarious (if they are true). Before you click that link, you may want to know there’s some swear wordage on that site. I was texting with a Certain Someone and, thanks to autocorrect, my…
Read Moresort of stupeh
This is Julie, little Miss Nimble Typey Typey, who quickly laid her claim on the jacket I was giving away yesterday. She looks mighty fine! That jacket is pretty perfect on her, no? Now I am free to wallow in my leather jacket buying addiction, knowing that all my eBay wins that are too small…
Read Moreyours if you want it: suede jacket
I am engaged in the very bad habit of bidding for leather jackets on eBay. It’s just too seductive, the decent prices and the promises of glamor, or something. I have to stop. I have to stop. So far I have won and received two that have not worked out. The first was so close,…
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