goodbye, fig

The Fig, the old station wagon I drove between the Nissan that got freeway-smashed and my current “vintage” Camry, has found a new and loving home. All parties involved are very happy about this, including (I’m sure) my neighbors, who have had to witness a driveway full of jalopies for months now. Now, back to…

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Hi pinkie! So glad to have this tree out of its box and up on my dresser. I am only somewhat sad that I do not trust the Elderly Relative enough to put up decorations in the common areas (see: the Great Thanksgiving Flower Arrangement Throwaway). I like my tree! I went to my yoga…

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topic #330

Hi hi again, you punishing daily blog hellchild. Fortunately, WordPress, who planted the evil seed known as Post a Day or Daily Post or WHATEVER, has daily topics available for blogspiration. So here we go! Relevance a go go! When you go to an movie theater, do you prefer it to be empty so can…

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oh, crap

I am unable to keep my eyes open, partially due to ongoing Weird Sinus Sensation of the last few days; jittery wee-hour insomnia blasts; and continuing the steady diet of nutritious fat- and sugar- laden food and drink that comes with this time of year. Wait, are some of these things related? I’m feeling pretty…

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bad cell phone photo travelogue

The Man and I headed down to Los Angeles last night for a bit of fun. It turned out to be Big Fun, despite my feeling weirdly in the face region, which has turned into The Sniffles today. Sniffles in spite of all the healthy, fat- and sugar- laden alcohol and food I dutifully consumed…

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READ ME, or: they shoot bloggers, don’t they?

1001 is the natural number following 1000 and followed by 1002. –– Wikipedia So, this is my one thousand and first published post. Hooray for me and holy crap! I only started really doing what is called “blogging” in 2006, but as you’ll see in the archives, I’ve put pre-blog stuff from my website in…

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identity crisis

Not really. It was just a long weekend. Here are some things. Becky’s Hair Design! Look at my furtive camera work; someone had just pulled into the parking lot and was giving me the hairy eyeball, obviously not realizing that I was a Becky and therefore had every right to snoop around Becky’s Hair Design.…

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charming at the checkout line

Express lane. I had four items, three customers away from the register. We were motionless. The Slowest Checker in the Universe was staring into space as something was delayed. Line, ever longer. All I wanted was my sports drinks, gum and Christmas card. Come on! A young man, nonscruffy, approached me and asked if I…

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a small role made large

Elizabeth Wilson as Benjamin’s mother in The Graduate. Hilarious and weird take on a role that could have been overshadowed by all the others, but she makes it so great. Her character, as well as Anne Bancroft’s Mrs. Robinson in the same movie, are huge inspirations to me in my improv life. And that shirt.…

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