can’t promise you riches right away

Untitled Untitled

My cousin Nora and I used to make collages together. We shared the same fascination with paper ephemera and would clip the tiniest, weirdest things out of newspapers and magazines to create epic, dada art. We would die laughing while reading the dumbest Ann Landers and Ask Heloise columns, and marvel at the bizarre bazaar at the back of every New Yorker.

So it was with great happiness that I found this calendar that she made for me, back in 1986, floating around in one of the many boxes.

And it was with insane JOY that I realized that 1986 and 2014 occur on the same days, so that I can actually use this calendar this year!

PS. Wow, as I type this I realize this is another generational thing that will separate me from those who are 20 (10?) years younger.

This is on the heels of counseling a friend not to use reference to Dear Abby in a book for young people. Not only wouldn’t they know of her, but they do not use newspapers nor columns nor any single source of information anymore in order to seek advice.

This is not an “I’m old” post. This is very much an “I’m LUCKY!” post! I got to make collages with my cousin!