all askew

Oh, actors… originally uploaded by hambox

Am catching my breath after a somewhat epic improv workshop this afternoon. It was several hours of a verbose east coast alpha dog pushing and pulling us through scenes and exercises. We were learning his technique of how to improvise a long-form play (that is, follow the narrative and structure of a traditional 3-act play, but make everything up on the spot). A lot of the approaches went against what is (by now) hard-wired into us as short-form improvisers. The process was tough and challenging and often slow-moving.

I should have hated every minute of it. But no! Nay! It somehow managed to be relaxing and interesting and an ego-massage (ever so important to we thespians). I attribute my good-natured openness (partially, at least) to my diminished health — lowering my brain’s capacity to natter natter NATTER. Be still, you brain, you. Slow down, you move too fast!

It was also a chance to see my colleagues strut their stuff, replay and retool their approach, relate to each other, and surprise the hell out of me. So good.

The relentlessness of having to churn out a Funny Show twice a week (as well as 2-3 workshops) can take its toll, and sometimes I forget why I do this. Oh, do I forget.

But I remember now, for this moment. Now ssssshhhhh, please, brain!

nablopomo 07 day 10