archive 2000: paperotica

Written on July 18, 2000, and sent to Andy D:

My obsession since my birth
That has caused me endless mirth
And a tendency to caper —
It’s the substance known as paper.

Can’t quite say why I think it’s great
Is it the texture, color, weight?
A vellum in red, a laid in blue
A postcard with a gorgeous view

Wrapping paper I squirrel away
To cut a collage on a rainy day
Or paste into my paper book
Or just sit around and look

At the pretty pieces I have found
Paper pulp makes pulses pound
When pressed and flattened on a screen
And dyed and dried till so pristine

Working at a printing press
Were my happiest days, I will confess.
Some my find me rather odd
But I have a paper trail to god.

do not quote without permission. thanks