crank the heat up, really, DO

I’m a little cranky. Someone I know went away for 3 weeks and it was bugging me but instead of admitting it was bugging me I got grousy and weird tonight. But then the instant karma gave me an uppercut, jamming my contact lenses behind my left eye [lopez] in the middle of the show in which I was performing. But I thought it had fallen out, and suddenly there were audience members, crawling around the stage with a flashlight, in the middle of the performance. Take in that visual.

And honestly (you are as tired of it as I am), this heat is making me a little loose in the screws. I was at Von’s tonight and behind me in the checkout, typical friendly/odd ventura guy was all “SOMEbody’s thirsty” and that’s when I really saw what I had in my cart: 10 gallons of Gatorade, a six-pack of bottled water, 5 six-packs of diet soda, and some grapes to stick in the freezer. Oh, and a bag of ice.

In less totally irritating news, and perhaps something of more interest to the world out there [and how are you, world? is this thing on?], in the past few months, I have had an email correspondance with someone from another country. She’s a crafty type and has got some good creative juju happening. I had a crazy daydream recently of having some kind of collaboration with her.. then WA-LA there’s an email from her yesterday. She was inspired by my aborted picture-a-day project, and suggested that we do a picture swap inspired by themes we choose. Oh yes. OH YES! I felt like a blushing gal, being proposed to on the Jumbotron.

[private note to my number-one lurker tamar: does this totally remind you of our “person-place-thing” tape? we’d tape songs and mail the cassette back and forth? are we the most hard-core? yes we are! did i just out you as a lurker? sorry. it’s the heat.]

You might notice, that starting now, the peppering of active links throughout my posts will increase to a mini-blizzard. This is in consideration of my non-American friend who might not know what some of the more arcane references are. Do I ever use the word arcane correctly?. Oh, and you want to know how I met this collaborative foreigner. Um.

Okay, these are the last comments from me, here and in my flickrstream about The Great Heat Wave of ’06. It’s still so freaking hot.