day 23: i may vomit
Dudes, I allowed myself to go off my strict food regimen and apparently my non-drinking one, too. Therefore I ate and drank everything in my path, including the tablecloth, some candle wax and J & M’s toddler. To hell with you all. I am taking the lamer’s way out with a meme tonight just before I Pepto myself to bed.
I didn’t mean it with the “to hell with you all”. I am overfed and testy. I meant to say you are cute and I want to kiss you.
10 Shallow Things I’m Grateful For
- The fact that the Sutro Baths ruins are really run down and dangerous, yet people are still allowed to wander freely among them. Exciting!
- Our most recent election day.
- Extra Sugar-Free Bubble Gum, Green Apple flavor.
- That SSSSSSHHHHP and then the crinkly vaccuumy feeling when you hold a liter of soda and screw the cap off very slowly.
- This photostream.
- Project Runway.
- That deliciously bizarre story about the Thai circus and a hippo that J. told at dinner. The wine just about came out my nose.
- My secret and very old pair of Uggs that I only wear when alone and at home.
- The stern lady that used to wax my parts, whom I dubbed “The Professor”.
- The internet, seriously!
10 Things I’m Genuinely Grateful For
- The privilege of having had a wonderful friendship with my mother.
- My niece and nephews. They are all funny and goodlooking and smart and just terrific.
- Mr. X, for making a certain time of my life very, very exciting.
- Improvisational theatre.
- My higher power.
- My friends! I am so lucky!
- The deep and intuitive connection that exists between my sister A and me.
- The sea.
- My continuing evolution into a becoming a better person.
- Animals. Every single one of them.