day 7: keep yer mouth shut
I think this subject matter is appropriate to Election Day — the time when I actually give more than passing thought to the many bureaucracies that run every aspect of my life.
There’s plenty of press about people, businesses and governments cracking down on bloggers — threatening them with litigation and worse if they don’t pull down “incriminating” posts. I’ve witnessed it all with 21st-century cynicism — just another human rights violation, just another free-speech restriction. Good times, America!
It hit a little closer to home, reading about Heather A’s firing after being vocal about her employer (but without using any identifying details) in her blog. After taking in that story, I reviewed my blog and flickrstream to see if there was anything potentially inflammatory to anyone. Living in fear — the modus operandi that our government counts on its citizens to operate within.
But it was a direct hit when something happened to someone I know. Carol, after being given a massive runaround by a company in which she invested, shared to the blogosphere her complaints, warnings, and opinions as to how that company conducted itself.
Within a day or two, the company intimidated her into removing her post. The mildly good news is that they refunded some (but not all) of her money. But what a cost. And their deeds go unpunished.
Yesterday, I wrote a fairly extended diatribe about a car rental agency that seems to be engaging in fradulent business practices. There is no way I would post that here, which makes me feel cowardly and sad. Thank god the Consumerist exists, that there’s a place to vent, and you can be sure I sent them my rant.
Do you see why voting is on my mind? That a personnel change needs to happen soon?
Here’s just one of many interesting articles about blogging censorship on the always-must-read BoingBoing. And here’s a Legal Guide for Bloggers Covering Election Day.