dude i got blogged
Evany’s blog contains news of the first leg of her book tour, in fantastic, fearful detail. I admire the girl even more [if that can be possible] now that I realize the extent of her fear of public speaking. I very occasionally get panicky before going on stage .. it happens when it’s unusually hot and when I’m about to improvise with people I don’t know well. And MAN it sucks. Sweat, tunnel vision, near-faint, tears. Phew. Imagine that happening regularly. Props to the Ev!
Oh hey! Do you see? A photo of me on Evany’s blog. And she’s right — I’m totally thinking about sleep. So now I’ve been mentioned on my three | favorite | blogs [not that I’ve been trying to make this happen in any kind of weirdo stalker way].
World domination is complete, yes?