have a bowl of failure.

Have a bowl of failure.

At a thrift store recently (the one with the d-bag), my friend and I spotted these beauties. As I said on Facebook –

Becky: Perfect if your wedding theme color is ecru. And if you’re serving cereal.

Jeana: I would totally go to an ecru themed wedding that served cereal.

Becky: come to think of it, i would too!

Regina: I can totally envision a Cereal Bar done up buffet style. In addition to multiple cereal choices, different choices of liquid to accompany the cereal: diary/soy/almond/rice milk, horchata, chocolate milk, … fruit, nuts,… Oooh! And everyone gets a toy surprise at the end. Yeah.

Violet: Delicious, delicious oatmeal would be so perfect for the breakfast-themed wedding I’m envisioning these bowls will be used at.

Regina: Oatmeal came to my mind, too. There is a sundries chain in LA that has (steel cut) oatmeal bars/stations. mmm…

Jeana: Okay, somebody get married and use these great ideas and invite me!

Becky: I’m trying, Jeana! 😛

Carol: I made cereal.. they could be Carol Crisps and we would serve them in ecru bowls but nobody would notice because Carol Crisps are a very, very bright purple that turns the milk pink.

Jeanie: These are obviously the forms God used to form perfect breasts but then they were accidentally tossed into the “send to Goodwill” pile with the burning bush igniter and parting seas in 12 easy steps pamphlets.