hi, low

Do you ever get this? The weird melancholy after an extended time of delight?

I had such a great three-day weekend. There was running, there were naps, there was perfect weather. My boyfriend brought me a bouquet of flowers from his garden. I played in one of the funnest improv shows I’ve played in. I made good pies. I went to a 4th of July party and laughed and ate and laughed some more.

It could be the come-down from the impressive amount of sugary substance I ingested at the party. It could be tiredness from all the socializing and running and sunshine. It could be the Sunday night blues (a Special Monday Night Version.)

But, yeah, I feel blue. Wobbly. Teary.

Okay. I actually do know what it’s about, exactly what it’s about. And I can’t go into details now, but it’s some sad stuff that has been piling up for someone I know, and it’s making me sad and getting me to thinking about sad things in my life. Reality’s crashing in a little bit.

And it’s okay. I’m just letting it come. And feeling so glad I have friends around that can make me laugh and can feed me and take care of me and love me.

Man, oh, man, the price of being a human being, eh?