two typos and one gaffe


Many years ago my roommate had a job doing paste-up (yes, that long ago) for Macy’s. One weekly ad she often handled was the huge one that was always across from Herb Caen’s column in the San Francisco Chronicle. It was a very popular page in a very popular newspaper, back when that stuff was relevent.

She did not happen to paste up that infamous men’s fashion ad, within which the copy declared the “latest knit shit.”


I was at a workshop last month, which amounted to a four-hour presentation on needs assessments. I know, it’s a glamorous career I have. The Powerpoint presentation was rife with low-contract colors, erroneous capitalization, and jaggy graphics pulled from the web.

Just when I thought there was going to be nothing of interest, a bullet point appeared, urging us to “engage the pubic.”


I was on the radio last week, being interviewed on things related to my (glamorous) job.

I meant to say the word “party” and I said “farty” instead.
