ups and downs
Have I mentioned: god bless Moya and Leanne? Not only do I have the luxe lodgings, but Eggs Florentine and an adorable toddler in the mornings? Just stop it!
Sandra Hernandes’ Workshop Part Two was intense, odd, fun, confusing! There were some frustrations and subsequent discussions regarding our purposes, what we were intending to do with the workshops. I think most can agree, however, that the Theatre of the Oppressed is very interesting stuff. There’s a Playback-like familiarity to what I was witnessing and was touched by some of the stories and observations that come out. Also, my eyes are more open now, to observe how we regard, lead, and engage our audiences, and the ultimate purpose of our shows. Also, observing and using the physical space of the theatre.
We had a few minutes to regroup at the end of the day before heading to West Seattle to have a softball-a-thon! It was great. The grasp of the rules were, at times, quite fluid, smoking seemed to be the pasttime at 2nd base (including a pipe continually clamped in Yann-from-Belgium’s mouth), and the trash talk was truly a rainbow of languages. However, jocks are jocks and the game actually got exciting! Trenton (San Diego), Bronwyn (Australia/Austria) and I were the bench warmers and general rabble-rousers. I tried to psych out batters in their native tongues, using phrases such as “one two three four five”, “I forgot my watch” and a Dutch phrase that apparently is really rude (verified by an impartial Dutch gent staying with Moya and Leanne). The pictures are entertaining.
And then some food and drinking then back here for sleep. This is quite a schedule!