a word regarding la liz

I do not worship Elizabeth Taylor, but I did enjoy the fact she was in our world.

While not the most consistent actress, there are several favorite movies of mine that feature her.

A Place in the Sun

Monty Clift and Liz Taylor. Utter damaged hotness. “Tell Mama!” [direct link]

Suddenly, Last Summer

Hoo, boy, this is one lurid scenery-chewer. [direct link]

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?

I love, love, love this movie. I owe my Babcocks character no small debt to Liz’s version of Martha. “I do not bray!” [direct link]

My favorite Hollywood saga is the one of Liz and Richard Burton. My parents were not that excessive and weird, but I always found some kind of odd parallel between the four of them — my mom and Liz loved glamor and embraced the mid-70s in startling, outre ways; my dad was could be alternately quiet and rage-filled (just like Dick!); and my parents’ marriage at that time was about as stormy as the more famous pair. The four of them also really loved Mexico.

This Vanity Fair article from last summer is great; Liz allowed publication of several love letters written to her by Dick, and they are stunning.

And let’s not forget her activist spirit, her fierce fuck-it-ness that got HIV/AIDS awareness noticed by the US, once and for all, goddammit. She really was a mighty dame.


  1. Danny on March 24, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    I love these three clips. A great sampling of her work. Thanks for omitting Sandy Dennis from WAVW!