binary day

this is where i live

Good things and bad things happened to me on April 7. No in-between. All black or white. Yes or no.


  1. Woke up to the sound of scraping and spackling — the house painters have arrived. Didn’t we just have the roof replaced (aka the apocalypse)? Yep, and so what? Why not have another week of noise and strangers and disruption, designed perfectly to freak out my Elderly Relative and set me on right on edge?
  2. I didn’t even get to pick the paint color — we live in a duplex and I deferred to the oldsters on the other side. I’m sure they chose something stupid, like blue.
  3. My kneecaps made sharp pains while I was squatting (during my Crazytime class), holding a giant exercise ball between my back and the wall and while holding 10 pound weights. My knees have been pretty heroic lately, but they were not liking life this morning.
  4. I had an unpleasant email exchange with a vendor, who advertised a four-day turnaround but who turned out to be a dirty liar. Long story short, order canceled, less satisfactory Plan B hastily assembled by colleague and self. Everyone involved not happy about how things went down.
  5. I spent some time ignoring, in a clammy cold sweat, the giant pile of paperwork and receipts that I am procrastinating going through for my tax appointment on Saturday. I am trying to control my panic about this appointment to limited effect.
  6. The wind was howling, howling! All day, all evening.
  7. I treated myself to dinner at a new Italian restaurant on Main Street just before tonight’s workshop. I asked for something off the menu, but what I didn’t ask was how much they were going to charge me for my custom meal. I was not prepared to shell out, with tip, thirty freaking dollars. For just a plate of risotto and a salad. Oh my god.
  8. I got into a squabble with someone at the theatre after workshop. It was over a miscommunication and a perceived promise and a someone being a little petulant and passive-aggressive (me) and someone jumping to conclusions and being a hothead (him.) It’s fine. I’m going to alter my style of communication with him so that we don’t get into these gray areas that apparently test our patience. Still, getting yelled at is annoying.


  1. I woke up feeling much better. I was so sick yesterday I could not get off my bedroom floor for an hour (using this time to call and cancel all the day’s duties). I finally crawled into bed and stayed there for 20 hours, full of dread wondering how long this horrible flu was going to visit me. And today? The sniffles and a little cough, all other symptoms gone. Thank god!
  2. Even though the wind made me mental, I just love the fact it’s been so cool lately, that I can still wear sweaters and jackets (even coats and boots sometimes!) Dressing for autumn temperatures is my masterwork. Hot weather is harder, and there’s the shaving issue, and I need a new sandal wardrobe. Besides, the office in which I toil is a much more bearable place when it’s on the cool side.
  3. It’s actually awesome, my office. The photo above is a view out my window.
  4. I witnessed a blond toddler — but tiny, more like walking baby — staggering around the halls of the gym, flapping his hand and yelling “Hi!” to everyone his saw.
  5. Learned a new, non-knee-paining exercise, a kind of kneeling stretch while using resistance from bands. I liked it.
  6. Both the books I requested from the library arrived today. One I just started and it is so good.
  7. The nice librarian asked me if I’d like to learn how to use the self checkout system. Sure, I said, noticing the kiosk for the first time. Is it new? The lady said no, it’s been there for a couple years. Huh! Yay observational skills! The checkout is kind of magical. I swipe my card then I set the books on a black pad, and then the screen blips and bloops and then is all okay you’re done. WHY are libraries struggling? They’re the best places ever!
  8. Just now I just realized I got a voicemail. It’s from the hothead squabbler from above, who apologized for upsetting me, even though it’s clear that both of us carry some fault in the dispute. How gracious and grownup!
  9. I came home to find that the Elderly Relative straightened up my room. This is not typical behavior, and he’s very erratic, but here was my trash bin emptied, my mug taken to the kitchen and cleaned, my bedside light turned on. Awww! It’s so nice to be cared for every so often.
  10. Okay, the risotto and salad, while insanely expensive, was delicious.