closing up shop

It’s been interesting/happy/sad, packing up the home that is the last place that had my mother’s fingerprints all over it.


Undelivered Christmas present from my mom to Judy. Don’t know who Judy is. Yeah, I opened it. Inexpensive little plaster Christmas ornament.

She and my stepdad moved into this home in 2000, so mom only lived here for 3 years before she died. However, every cabinet, drawer, nook and cranny (if it wasn’t stuffed with my stepdad’s weird ratpack junk) contained so much of her.

Cassette tapes

Many of these were used for her infamous lip-sync shows down at the clubhouse. Not kidding.

Name wrapping paper

Name wrapping paper for daughter, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and daughter. I have no doubts that, at one time, she had paper with everyone’s names.

found in the picnic box

Found in the “Picnic Supplies” box, and not the first cache of mini liquor bottles found.


Grandma!! Do you remember when Kathleen Turner goes back in time in “Peggy Sue Got Married” and she sees her long-gone grandma again and she was so happy? Oh, man.


Coffee Tamer. Packaging design win!


Heart-bursting photo of my little nephew, who now is very tall and very mid-20s.


What’s that, little red hand? Why, I love you, too!


Food of my ancestors.


Scoldy Lox!


Mom and John (my stepdad) on the night they met.


And away we go. Someone, please buy this house on Sunday!

If you want to see my photos (hurriedly taken) of the home, see below. What’s funny is that you can’t see in the photos the gallons of sweat and tears poured over every inch of this place. I am grateful, so grateful, I’m not an only child. All my sibs and cousins pitched in in their own way to make this house clear. Big huggy shoutout to Annie and Peter, specially.

Before you check out the “after” photos, here’s a nice little before.

garage before!!

Not pictured: every drawer and cabinet, stuffed full. Full. Like I said, sweat and tears, definitely some blood, money and time, sanity.

Here’s a nice shot of the schamncy living room, all staged by me in soothing neutral tones with pops of color, just like HGTV told me to:

Living room

You can see the rest of the pics here.


  1. Carol on August 16, 2013 at 2:35 pm

    Nice job! Beautiful staging, saw all the pics. Good luck Sunday!

  2. Joseph S on August 16, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    Holy great crap! Judy Garland and Ella tapes? Loved the pics and great job you guys looks fantastic!

  3. Jeana on August 17, 2013 at 1:04 am

    Oh man, there must be so many emotions swirling around all this. The house looks amazing! HGTV would be proud.

  4. hambox on August 17, 2013 at 11:40 pm

    Thanks, guys! OMG OPEN HOUSE IN 10 HOURS

  5. Tamar on August 19, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    Oh my goodness. You’ve been going through years and layers and things and making the house look pretty. I’ve been going through things and years and layers and making the apartment look empty. But it’s done! And may you find just the right buyer for your house!