Day 19: Today, I organized
Day 19: Today, I organized, originally uploaded by hambox.
“TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group
I am grateful to my new favorite Org-Porn* blog, Unclutterer, for planting a seed that came to fruition today: it was a post about organizing one’s fabric stash that spurred me to actually organizing my own weird and voluminous pile. What sealed the deal and got me working was the fact that Violet bore witness to me rummaging around in my craft closet in a most random way on Saturday afternoon. She didn’t mind, of course, as she’s a lovely and polite human — plus, she got several choice fabric gems. But still. The time had come to face the textiles.
So here you have it: three bins of folded, ziploc-bagged, color-sorted goodness. You are welcome to come by and watch me rummage: you, too might walk away with a fine robot print, a yard of green burlap, or those placemats with the drawing of dancing knifes and forks.
*Org-Porn: Organizing Pornography. I coined this phrase after watching a Clean Sweep marathon — a show in which pack rats — with the help of a professional organizer, a battalion of designers and worker bees, and a perky host — have two scary rooms in their house decluttered, organized and redesigned. Can’t get enough of makeover shows, let alone one in which someone’s living space becomes clean, modern, spacious, anti-chaotic. Yum! Not long after the Clean Sweep orgy, my friend Toni gifted me with the services of a professional organizer, and let me tell you, it was as good as all the songs that are written about it. Excuse me, I need to go to my closet for a little bit.
Ha! It did not even occur to me that you required organization, so enthralled was I by the bounty! Although now that you’re all color-coordinated, I’m feeling the need to jump on the bandwagon. So, apparently, I inadvertently inspired myself, via you. Who knew I had such powers of self-motivation? (Note: If you tell me I did, I will become motivated to even greater heights.)
XOX to you and your rainbow of textiles.