Day 23: Today, I listened

Day 23: Today, I listened

Day 23: Today, I listened, originally uploaded by hambox.

Podcasts are the thin film of delicious jelly that keeps the insanity away from the sanity during my shitty, shitty commute.

In no particular order, this is what gets me through a week.

Devoutly downloading:

Occasional basis:

“TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group


  1. regina on August 23, 2007 at 10:27 pm

    Have you seen that Ira Glass is going to be at UCSB in early November?

  2. me on August 24, 2007 at 2:29 pm

    I did, RR. I wonder if I could sit still the whole time without shouting “enunciate your WHOLE SENTENCES, Glass!”