day 25: shop-shop-shop shopee doppee shop
It’s almost over! It’s almost over! And by it, I mean November. You might think I am alluding to the seemingly-endless NaBloPoMo, and I am, a little.
But mostly it is because I only get paid once a month, and payday is on December 1, and on December 1, I will purchase these boots. I have been waiting and waiting, trying to be a budget-conscious girl. I am afraid that they will not live up to the specialness I have built up in my mind, with all this waiting. What if I got them in purple suede instead? Or just give in and get the most impractical red wedge rainboots ever? (pictured at left)
I’m also going to purchase a watchband, giving in to my lifelong dementia surrounding watches, and the misguided concept that I will wear a watch if it is the right watch. My intention-paved road to hell is made of kicky, fun watchfaces, and none of them are keeping time for anybody.
To follow are some places I like to shop look at. Since I am on a budget, I will not be participating in DebtFest ’06.
Fred Flare is like a sundae with pink sprinkles and cherries and whipped cream and cotton candy (oh so much), but c’mon, this clutch is dee-voon.
Are you kidding me with Pixel Girl Shop? After the DIY movement is a pile of smoking wreckage, these are the kind of whimsical and wellmade crafts that will remain after the chintzier ones get killed off. These bird earrings? Deceptively simple, but wham! pow! with the colors! Update: PixelGirl has changed its name to Shana Logic.
Oh, Rare Device, oh, Williamsburg, how very hip you are. I’d scorn you if you weren’t putting the style where your mouth is. I can covet this coffee-for-one set and not feel like a pathetic spinster (what? out of stock with the aqua?!) And this is the first teakettle that actually makes me think about using one instead of the crappy saucepan method.
It’s actually pretty satisfying, cyber-window shopping. I have a whole list of shopblogs that I will hip you to. You’re SO welcome.
Jesus. Je-sus. As if I wasn’t having a difficult enough time keeping the dollars from leaping out of my wallet. Well here’s a little sumpthin’ sumpthin’ for you: