day one: NaBloPoMo!
It’s National Blog Posting Month! And, since I’m a glutton (no longer for food but for) punishment, I’m pinning on the paper number and participating in M. Kennedy‘s one-post-per-day NaBloPoMo for the month of November. I figure, if I can master a picture a day for one solid year*, I can endure this. Um, hopefully. There will be a-bitchin and a-moanin around week 2, I’m a-predictin.
I also got all puffy and strutty with Evany, along the lines of “I’m gonna get you and beat you” and she was all “bring it on” and now I’m totally “oh shit I’m an idiot” and she’s all “I’ve been posting everyday for weeks and weeks now, la la la.”
I have been posting every day for the past few weeks, too, but it doesn’t count as they are my private “devil’s cake” posts (email me if you want the password. not that private!) and they are the most boring posts of all time. Along the line of 14-year-old Becky’s “nothing much happened today” journals. Weeks and weeks and weeks of “nothing much happened today.” Even when my dad got remarried — totally not recorded in my journal. I gotta figure out a way to come up with some dynamic material!
Oh! Halloween! It started as a spectactular dud of a Saturday, where I was in the always-fun position of being the only person in costume in a room full of people; we had our Halloween show cancelled; ended up in pajamas and bed by 9:30. However, things ramped up to full ‘weenieness yesterday. I was a flapper (but not “sexy flapper”). I was orginally going to be a specific 20s lady (either Sally Bowles or Louise Brooks), but I wanted to avoid explaining who I was — guaranteed funkiller. Proud to say I co-won the office costume contest. Coworker Kerri (pictured as housewife) went on the win the campus-wide staff competition for funniest costume! Hurrah! When walking to the contest, I remarked aloud how few students were in costume. One girl overheard me and explained that their costumes “weren’t appropriate for school.” I’m sure that night IV was awash in sexy cops, sexy jailbirds, sexy actuaries, and sexy philanthropists.
I then went trick-or-treating with a southern belle vampire, scary bride, foreign legionnaire (I think), and a zombie punk skatedude. And I ate candy, yes I did! …and I liked it! I liked it!
You can see all the Hallow’s Eve madness here. Join flickr, become my friend, and see the super private pics, too.
*which lasted all of one month — December 2005
Go to your closet and pray, wicked girl!