five … funny … things!

1. A man acts like a baby. Sounds corny and dumb, but Beck Bennett is an actor that observes and gets it right. Sorry for the Hulu ad beforehand, but it’s worth it. This video is hot amongst improvisers, as this is full-tilt physical commitment that every improviser should have, most do not have, and all should strive for:

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2. From Facebook:

Heather’s status: So my training is almost done — one more to go and I’ll be an official See’s Candy employee!
Judy: Sweet!

3. To class up your Christmas tree. Chewbacca painted ornament.


4. For the dance-off hall of fame.  The kid! The usher! The dude in the upper right behind the kid: he starts off all tough/sexy/glaring, then just gives in to the joy. Now THIS puts me in the holiday spirit.

[direct link]

5. When in doubt, cavort and/or frolic. I love snowman costumes a lot.
