
I’ve experienced a few meaningful days and things are feeling sort of deep, but I’m not going to blog about THAT right now, no sir. Instead, let’s talk about dishes.

My possessions (AS YOU MAY KNOW BY NOW) have been in storage for years, including my dinnerware set. Unfortunately my tastes have shifted a bit and I am ready for something different, something less rosy.


[blogged about here]

Not to mention it’s also a huge set. I don’t need such a … landscape of pink plates, saucers, bowls, cups, more plates.

So the hunt is on. Mom had some great dish sets but the one left in the house at the end was the Dansk Bistro Maribo set, which filled me with “almost but not quite,” and also “I’ve served 10,000 baloney sandwiches for John on these.”

Dansk Bistro Maribo

I do like blue and white and Scandinavian, so I’ll probably regret the hell out of letting these go, but right now those fussy little details make me fussy.

She did have four of the Dansk Berries pattern:


So cute and Scando and the bowls are knockouts but it would be a hard set to assemble for cheap using eBay. And maybe too berry-y?

Then I lost my mind on Etsy, favorite-ing dozens upon dozens of dish sets, which did nothing to unclutter my mind.

so many dishes.

Proper fancy-lady 50’s porcelain? Atomic a-go-go? Seventies sturdy Earth-Shoe-feeling plattters? Simple, complex? WHAT, BRAIN, WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Well, these make me happy. Stonehenge Midwinter set in Sun (yellow), Earth (brown) or Moon (blue).

stone henge

stonehenge earth

stonehenge moon

Sun and Earth are plentiful, Moon is scarce, but no matter the availability I’m looking at some cash output to assemble a decent set. Shipping costs for dishes holy cow.

So, of course, a-thrifting I am going.


Spotted today: Bob van Allen for Mikasa, four dinner plates, four cups, one creamer, all a buck each. Hmm! I kind of like. Produced between 1978 and 1981. Not cheap online, but maybe I just get what’s in the thrift store and make do? Enjoy them for a while then throw them back OR make a minor investment to expand the collection?

I just need to be patient, I know. Dish sets are all over the damn place, even Craigslist has coughed up some interesting possibilities. It’s me. I need to settle for a pattern. But it has to be Miss Right Pattern.

The end!