floating through spring

Blood moon + eclipse

Blood moon lunar eclipse last night. Apt, since there was plenty of blood on my moonface yesterday.

If I had the faculties to pay attention during my many springs in California, I probably would have noticed a pattern of feeling like … this … every year. This sentence is one of those snakes-swallowing-its-own-tail feedback loops that I can’t get out of. Because I feel like this I fail to remember that I feel like this because I feel like this. AND SO ON.

There’s nothing wrong with me except for this hay fever which is making the this feeling. Awful lightheaded sinus throb crazy city. This might contribute to the raw skinless trembly feeling referenced in last post.

Oh, by the way: when I say “there’s nothing wrong with me except” I actually mean “there’s so many things wrong with me I’ve lost count.”

The horrors of dental work continue on. And now, with the facial throbby-ness from all the sessions of peoples’ hands jammed in my mouth PLUS every sinus and adenoid screaming with histamines, I am feeling like every remaining tooth in my head is about to go bad. I’m on high-alert paranoia with every twitch/twinge/throb — oh my god, is it another tooth that will have to be probed while I sob into the faces of everyone just trying to do their job?

(Actually, things have gotten much better on that front. Anxiety decreased by about 35% at appointment #2 and to about 10%  of that at #3. Good thing too, as appointments are stretching out ahead of me like that part of I-10 that’s permanently under construction and makes you want to die just on the approach.)

Oh, by the way: when I say “there’s so many things wrong with me I’ve lost count” I am totally lying. If you remove teeth (haha) and facial glands (ew) from the equation, things are going just fine. TO WIT, TWIT:

  • I’m going to Arizona tomorrow! I’m driving to Phoenix by way of Prescott (I’m delivering artwork to a gallery, I feel fancy saying that) and then attending the Phoenix Improv Festival and seeing friends. Easter time in the desert, one of my favorite things. And I get to test drive my tropical wardrobe, assembled in anticipation of my
  • Birthday trip to Kauai in May! I’ll embark in a hungover state due to the previous night’s
  • Giant birthday party in San Francisco! Ugh, I’m so braggy about everything great I’m doing but
  • I don’t care!

Have I mentioned I’ve entertained more in the past 4 months than I have in the last decade of living here in SoCal? I’ve hosted two game nights (Hi Kyle!!), several dinners and other get togethers, and Polly, the best houseguest period. This is keeping me happy, socialized and sane, no lie. Not to mention, it keeps my home clean.

In conclusion. I am veering between traumatic, invasive events and happy, exciting events; my face hurts; I am having a friend-naissance; I could really use a vacation; my workplace is a very forgiving place; adrenaline is being squirted into my system in bad amounts lately; I must use self-subterfuge to get things done; I’m buying a car next week (!); je regrette tout; blogging may be dead.



  1. Kyle on April 16, 2014 at 3:01 pm

    Sweet! I got a shout out. 🙂