never gonna give him up

Dad and Jesse and Becky

This is my father, my brand-new nephew, and me. I was five, or almost five. My sister L, Jesse’s mom, is 16 years older than me, hence the happy happenstance that I got to have a tiny, living doll, all to myself, at a doll-adoring age.

Today is that tiny baby’s birthday, now a wonderful man, expecting his own second baby with his wife.

My first nephew, oh my sweet dear. I loved and love him with all my heart. He doesn’t read this blog, so I can gush with full aunt-force.

And look! Look at my dad! Mad Men style! This was not long before the midlife crisis and the embracing of the counterculture and the long hair and mustache. It’s fun to see him, all buttoned up and Establishment-looking. Little did any of us know!


  1. Cloudy on March 17, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    What a sweet photo. I love your happy little face.

    • hambox on March 18, 2011 at 8:38 am

      Oh, man, real baby. I was in heaven. When my sister brought him to Arizona and I could put him into my doll crib? Hoo boy!