jolly good shew
andy and sharon originally uploaded by hambox
Three coworkers of mine got all curious about this thing I do called IMPROV and so off we went on a field trip to the Wednesday night workshop put on by Alan and his Santa Barbara Improv group. My peeps did really well — shockingly well, especially considering they were improvirgins. I laughed a lot — not quite as much last Saturday’s Ventura show, during which I actually released a little laugh-induced urine (I think we’re better off that the ho-hoing was dialed down a notch, yes?)
Before the class, we had dinner, then wandered about a park with a pond, looking at the little turtles and ducks and the promise of spring! then SUMMER! lurking around every corner. It was a simple night, and somehow exactly what I needed. Refreshing, relaxing, fun and funny. Well done, K, J and R.
I will forever be grateful to the SB Improv as, 10 years ago, it is the site where I met Darling Andrew (pictured, in my sunglasses, with awesome Sharon behind him), a gent that has continually added a shimmery sparkly sheen to my life.
My friends! Again: I am so lucky.
I had so much fun! Thank you so much for inviting us, and introducing us to this wonderful thing! And, yes, my favorite part of the evening had to be walking in the park… looking at the pond, seeing the one… two, three turtles… omg… they’re staring at us… the turtles… there are so many! where did they all come from?! they are coming closer! help! help!
Fun, fun times!
185 Turtles walked into a bar, the bartender says we don’t serve your kind, and one turtle says, “Why the shell not?” Lame, haha!
I say we make it our goal to dial up the ho-hoing to flash flood – meaning that our national security threat level has been upgraded to yellow.
It’s funny how blog-Becky is so Polyanna-ish about nature, when it seemed like improv-night-Becky was expecting to relive the little known, significantly less successful sequal to Alfred Hitchcock’s, Birds – Turtles.
It was awesome, work-Becky, I would never have gone – and never had the wonderful chimichanga and your outstanding hard jack…alright gotta go MELLO MERK!!
I know, Jude. Most of my readers know that I am a little nervous around water creatures (especially big fish — BRRRRR), so I allowed everyone to create their own mental visual of me cowering from that awful, awful nature.