Jolly Olde Christmas Tyme
Today’s Hambox Advent Calendar Window: December 7, 2008
Happy Christmas! We’ll take a little tour of our friendly land way to the east, Jolly Olde England. Chips are called crisps and fries are called chips! Enjoy some fun links, pretty pictures, and a Christmas reminiscence from a real-live English person! And off we go, gov!
Photo: Miniature English Christmas Dinner by flickruser Northern Miniatures. Thanks for letting me use it!
I loved Hannah’s Letter. I had xmas in England once and was the first time I ever had xmas crackers & loved how everyone wore a paper crown on their heads the rest of the day.
Crackers are the best! I missed about them – we each take turns to tell the joke from the cracker – sometimes we pass them round to my youngest cousin (he’s 8 now) and he tells all the jokes.