Lying is, well, bad and stuff.

Hambox Advent Calendar Window for December 3, 2008

Oh, teenagers. How dramatic you are, how passionate. And amazing is the ability you have to suck the joy right out of the holiday season! Our first Hambox Advent Calendar Guest is the wonderful Kerri O’Connor, who shares some real live Teenage Holiday Angst with us. And don’t miss some YA* reading recommendation action!

I shared a real-life teenage diary entry every day of the 2007 Hambox Advent Calendar. If you’re hungering for more self-absorbed meaderings, you can reread them here. Cheers!

Wait, one more thing! If you want more daily fun, you simply must check out Pollyanna Cowgirl’s Christmas blog, if just for yesterday’s Slade song. Polly and I seem to orbit in close-but-not-quite-touching social/craft circles; it’s been fun getting to know her online. She is stylish and delightful and has some sparkly niceness in her Etsy shop, as well. Squirrel and acorn necklace? Yes, please!

*Young Adult!


  1. cardiogirl on December 3, 2008 at 11:01 am

    Loved today’s calendar offerings!

    I just have to know if Kerri ever came clean to her dad, seeing how he got her a brand new softball mitt. And oiled it.

    And was yummy Mr. Gend married or single?

    Do tell.

  2. cloudy on December 3, 2008 at 11:06 am

    A CLASSIC! Love the book recommendations to go with the era of the story.

  3. polly on December 3, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    I LOVE your advent calendar! As for the secret Santa no-no gifts, one of my co-workers once thought it would be really funny to give her sweet, innocent, 19-year-old giftee a giant black dildo shaped like a gun. It did not go over well.

  4. kerri on December 3, 2008 at 4:53 pm

    Hi! I did come clean, but not because I wanted to – I was caught in the act! After Christmas in fact. 🙂 He forgave me after a while, but we still bring it up and laugh about it to this day. Somehow I still feel guilty. I still have the mitt too – I left it at Regina’s ( place once, and she had it in her office for a while because I kept forgetting to bring it home. 🙂 I don’t think I can ever throw it away.

    As for Mr. “Gend”… I think he was married, but we didn’t care. He was pretty cute. He was also the coach of the mens swim team… Once, “Lisa” and I wrote “I LOVE YOU” on the black board after school – under the map at the front of the classroom… and went to school early the next day to watch his reaction through the classroom door when he went to check his reading plans he had written the night before… I think he knew we were watching because nothing happened… ha!

  5. regina on December 3, 2008 at 8:58 pm

    Ha! Yeah, I remember Kerri telling me once that she was grounded for most of her teenage years.

    I totally had a Mr. “Gend” in high school, too. He was my religion teacher one year. I think every girl in that class found God that year. :p

  6. kerri on December 4, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    I don’t know if I found God that year… but I did spend a lot of time with the Devil… it was sitting on my shoulder…