micro-impressions of my trip to the east coast

Study in Strabo

This is Strabo, one of Rich and Tamar’s amazing cats, December 2010.

  • My sister, brother-in-law and I cracking up at our stupid groaning sounds we make to each other, like a sort of bizarre tribal call-and-response
  • My nephew showing off the deprivation tank he built in his bedroom
  • Wondering what that comical squeak toy sound effect was, then realizing it was coming from my own lung (dander issues)
  • Marveling at how sharp gusts of wind can turn a lovely, swirly snowstorm into an icy, needly, awful experience
  • Two old women discussing the lack of plowed streets in Queens and one of them pronouncing it “utterly ridiculous” in the best accent I’ve ever heard
  • Staring up and in to the jazz singer’s mouth (I was sitting that close)
  • For some (drunken) reason, doing the step-pause bridal walk in the apartment hallway
  • Having a little dance party with Chriggles in his apartment before hitting the snowy streets. And later, him singing while I do something called the “Granny Dance”
  • Laughing at the Massholes on the subway referring to it as “South California”
  • Putting the first bite of the “sticky toffee pudding” dessert at a restaurant called Beast in Brooklyn and almost feeling tears at the utter deliciousness flooding my mouth
  • The momentary soaring of my heart when it looked like I may have missed my flight, so I’d have to stay another day