mondegreens hitting closer to home than previously thought

I don’t generally mishear lyrics, I usually just don’t hear them at all. Me knowing the lyrics to a song involve a lot of intense listening and memorization. Otherwise, I have always just kind of gibberished along with a tune. Improvisers are very good at playing along and hiding their lack of knowledge.

Therefore I thought I was immune to the mondegreen — mishearing a phrase or lyric, like “‘suse me while I kiss this guy” or a friend of Moya’s who sang loudly about “Big ol’ Jen in the lighthouse” (instead of “big ol’ jet airliner”)

But somehow I just discovered that Creedence Clearwater Revival, in their song Down on the Corner, reassure the listener:

You don’t need a penny just to hang around

when I thought this:

You don’t need a pinhead just to hang around

No matter that my line is a little offensive, makes no sense, and would’ve taken half a second to look up to confirm its utter wrongness.

[direct link]

In my defense, I AM one of those Americans who say PEN and PIN really differently, as opposed to some lead singers who are just trying to confuse me.


  1. Katie on November 18, 2013 at 9:34 pm

    When I was young, I always thought they were singing:

    “Down on the corner, out in the street,
    Billy and the Butt-boys are playin’….”

    What or who are Butt-boys? I wasn’t sure, but that’s what it sounded like to me.

  2. Tamar on November 18, 2013 at 10:51 pm

    I thought it was “pinhead” forever. It was only a couple of years ago that I realized he was saying “penny.”