one more upskirt and i’ll upchuck

Camp beavers You know when you’re filling up a bottle with water, and when you get to where the bottle tapers, and it feels like the water is speeding up, then suddenly there’s that friendly bloooop! sound, and suddenly the bottle is overflowing?

A couple days ago, I turned on the local [airquote] news [end airquote] and the teaser before the commercial stated “more Britney scandal .. ahead!”

My mind, at that moment, went bloooop! as I officially had it up to there, then higher than there, with smirky, pointless, and nasty celebrity gossip.

If I never read about another “bump watch”, see another famous vagina, or hear the word “Brangelina”, it will be too fucking soon.

Or maybe I just need a break from the vapidity. Usually, glossy celebrity crap is just processed-sugar nothingness that lends a certain empty comfort to me, but right now, the snark level hurts my brain. Am I developing a conscious or merely a callus?

And more importantly, when did it become acceptable to gaze at strangers’ labias in a non-sexual/non-gynecological situation?

Photo: Camp beavers, originally uploaded by flickr user access.denied. Thanks for letting me use it!


  1. ANDREW on December 17, 2006 at 10:40 am

    If those cute little Camp beavers were actually what you saw when Brit flashed the tacky photographer, I bet they’d sell a million of em. Little boochy-gucci-goo. You and your airquotes… makin me smile before coffee like that.

  2. kerri on December 18, 2006 at 12:36 pm

    I’m thinking your little beaver thingies need boobies.