One tiny victory

Giant Camera

Giant Camera, originally uploaded by hambox. Taken on Thanksgiving day, 2006.

In 1999, I took part in helping to save San Francisco’s Giant Camera from demolition, when the Cliff House (located behind the Camera) was going to be renovated.

We took it to City Hall, we took it to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, we took to the streets until we had victory: The Camera was designated as a protected historic site in 2001. It is a delight to see it there.

Inside the Giant Camera is a camera obscura, a rare device based on a 15th century design by Leonardo da Vinci. It produces 360 degrees of spectacular live images of the Seal Rock Area. That’s what so great.. this supposed kitschy eyesore houses a really, really magical piece of art. Please, go there next time you’re in the Bay Area!