Poliday Hearty

Girl on a swing

Random snippets from the Physics Department’s winey and beery Xmas bash:

Me [to a couple of grad students discussing physics next to the desserts]: “Hey! No talking shop, you physicists!”

Them: “You’re right, we need to be told that sometimes.”

Unfortunately, a gaggle of postdocs were unable to help themselves and started writing equations on the blackboard in the middle of the party. Chalk: like a joint, but better!

Said by a guy you’d never expect to hear this from:

“I’m such a lightweight. I’ve had two beers, and now I’m just shimmering glitter.”

This is just before I realized I had indvertently put my iPod on one-song repeat, and we had been listening to “Santa Baby” (Eartha Kitt version) for an unreal amount of times with nobody noticing.

Which is just before I started pronouncing “Ph.D.” as “Pee-yatch Dee” which was waaaay more funny to a couple of us than it actually is.

Yes, we sure know how to party it up, here on the third floor.

Girl on a swing, originally uploaded by hambox.


  1. kerri on December 13, 2006 at 10:03 pm

    Oh, R! I laughed out loud at that glitter comment just now. I’m sorry I missed most of the part-ay. I was busy not having fun!!!!! I didn’t leave until 7 tonight! what’s WRONG with me?! I might as well be sucking on chalk! I’m a Physics Admin GEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [bangs head on keyboard]