put one foot in front of the other

[This darn song gets stuck in my head far far too much. I blame John A., with whom I went to art school. He would sing the refrain and force us to walk in rhythm to it — put one foot (step step step) … in front of (step step step) … the ooo-ooother! (stepstepstep!)]

direct link

Accomplishments feel few and far between these days, mostly I’m running trying to catch the train, or (worse) taking big, galumphing steps backwards.

The spambots have found a new algorhythm and I have to block and destroy dozens of comments a day, which makes blogging feel so chore-y.

Chore-y. Chairy!


Here’s one accomplishment. From this:

Six chairs needing repair

To this:

Chairs recently recovered

No DIY spirit here, had a guy do it, he did good, I gave him what was probably a reasonable amount but was a sort of ouchy amount. But that’s okay! Loooooook, loooooove.

Chairs recently recovered

Before the Great Revinyling, all but one of the chair’s seats were ripped past the point of usability. In the way that humans do, my Elderly Relative, regular visitors and myself adapted to this fact, just shuffling around the small handful of good chairs, sitting in shifts, and generally doing a very elaborate and silly dance.

It wasn’t until John had a whole battery of home health care visits that I saw what we were living with — the physical therapist and social worker both sat in seatless chairs before I could stop them — and the sight of startled professionals halfway pulled into their chair (sitting-on-the-toilet-rim-style) was concerning and NOT HILARIOUS AT ALL. Especially when the PT’s sheaf of papers went flying in the air.

So many sittable chairies now! Now I’m fantasizing about having a real dining room, which I have never done before. Perhaps I’d have a dinner party and rig one or two of the chairs’ seats to give way at some point during the meal.

Chairs recently recovered

Not hilarious. At all.


  1. Gracey Anderson on March 7, 2013 at 10:16 pm

    A real comment! Not a bot comment! Please rig my chair- so hilarious! I am also joining in on the dining room fantasy- in 2 more weeks, I will have a real live dining set, that is mine, not a roommates, and not a bistro table! What an amazing development!

    • hambox on March 8, 2013 at 10:51 am

      So exciting, Gracey!

  2. Toni T-R on March 7, 2013 at 11:03 pm

    Some very slick-looking mid-century chairies!! Sometimes you just gotta pay a guy or gal to do stuff for you. It can be very liberating. And quick. I wish I could just pop over for dinner!

    • hambox on March 8, 2013 at 10:50 am

      Toni, I wish you could, too (for many reasons!) It’s true about the liberating feeling; it overrides the mild guilt about not doing it myself. 🙂

  3. Darling Andrew on March 8, 2013 at 7:58 am

    Oh wow, Becky! You have the matching table as well. Everything looks beautiful!