shoe luck

My boat of shoe good luck just came in, a giant boat full of shoes. I had been feeling some real anxiety about the summer — my wardrobe is in order and is quite nice, actually, but my shoes? Nary a suitable pair for this season. I felt myself slipping down towards the lazy and horrible default — platform flipflps, which in essence are two grenades strapped to my fee — blowing any perceived good taste about my outfit right out of the water.

Until! Until last week! When I scored, oh did I score, oh I KNOW I’m being a stereotype of shoe-crazy female oh but I SCORED.

new shoe scores

Hi, green stripey wedge thongs!

new shoe scores

And hello, vintage blue pumps!

new shoe scores

Pleased to meet you, sensible but a little stylish hippie sandals.

new shoe scores

And what?! Spectators, you’ve finally come into my life? Thank you! I have wanted spectator shoes for, well, forever. My mom had specs her whole life, they were her luncheon shoes, her ladies auxiliary shoes, her snazzy daytime shoes. more about spectator shoes here

the ones that got away

And of course we have to pay homage to the Ones That Got Away — gold satin slingbacks featuring 5-inch wedges in bright shiny gold. You were something else, but I had to throw you back. Sorry.