sister trip
I mentioned my sister Ann’s trip and accompanying blog briefly a few months ago, but the time has come to revisit this singular bit of beautiful cyberspace. She recently completed posting the journals, and I highly recommend taking a look. It’s a relatively swift read from beginning to end, and is just wonderful. It’s called Across the Great Divide.
Perhaps it’s extraspecially wonderful because the weather is upon us (some more than others; my area of SoCal has — we’re actually in the high-70s mode these days), and the holiday angst is making me (at least) feel like summer is a long way off. This travelogue is a perfect anecdote.
The pictures and words are first rate, and the story of the Return of the Battle Ax is compelling.
There’s even a side trip to a major city, and a surprise ending that made my toes curl with pure nostalgia. Those from New England particularly will enjoy that bit.
If you like what you read, please comment on her blog!
Annie’s looking for new things to write about; let’s try to help her! Let’s keep her writing and photographing and giving us her unique, magical perspective.
Gosh. Thank you. You do know that your blog rocks the foundations of the so-called civilized world, don’t you, Becky?
I do need help. Perhaps a grant to just jump back into the damn car and keep going.