straight shot

straight shot

I am heading to Phoenix, Arizona tomorrow in order to visit a couple friends and to check out the Phoenix Improv Festival. I’m flying out and driving back. Why? Thank to a hot tip from the Boyf, Hertz is offering $5/day rental cars if you’re traveling from Phoenix to California these days.

I guess cars get built up on Phoenix this time of year, not sure why. It’s much like the buildup of sunglasses at my office during winter/early spring. It’s sunny when I commute in the morning, but dark when I leave, so the shades get forgotten. I recently showed my friend Dave (much to his amusement) the unbelievable stash I unearthed from my desk — including two identical pairs (but I only bought one pair! are they replicating?)


See? Perhaps something is similar with the cars. I don’t know. I don’t care. I just wanted to write a blog post. I miss having things to blog about, things that aren’t bathroom- or sad stuff- related.

In other (sort of connected?) news, this week has been Project Becky Week. The stressful cloud under which I’ve been living has taken a toll on my self care, which I kind of knew, but didn’t realize the extent to which I’d slid. That is, until I saw a video of myself from late last year, with a new cut and color and looking very fit and dewy and rested and .. uuuhhh. So hairs have been removed and/or colored and/or chopped, adequate sleep has been obtained, laundry done, exfoliation completed, walks taken, etc. I’ve also reached out to an organization dedicated to caregiver support, Talked It Though with some friends (not to mention Wept Hard on Boyf’s Shoulder), and basically tried to get my mental ducks in gear. I know that’s not the right saying. Bear with me. Bears in gear? Bears in a row?

in a row.


So yeah. I’m not out of the woods yet, stress cloud speaking, but I am looking forward to being away, gawping at saguaros, clapping at some improv, squeezing friends. See you Monday.


  1. cloudy on April 27, 2012 at 2:46 pm

    Glad you are taking care of you. Have a great time in AZ and have even more fun on your road trip back. I wish I could snap my fingers and be there with you. Do a shot of tequila and cactus juice for me.