thank you for the pardoning of our dust

under construction

If you happened to catch it, I posted yesterday about the fact I was mired in a big MySQL4-to-MySQL5 transition due to a WordPress upgrade, and that it was kind of a mess and to please excuse some blog downtime.

So, that all got worked out and it was as annoying as I thought it would be. But even though my web host’s tech support staff are cruel cretins, I did not cry this time. And ironically, the only bad glitch that happened was that I lost that last blog post in the transition. But I appeared to have caught you up, pretty much.

Many, many thanks to my friend Mario, a Seattle improviser and code-y kinda guy, who offered to help even without me having to resort to the Big Doe Eyes. I’m relieved that this got done, and now can do it to the other sites that I maintain that also need this upgrade. As I said in the Lost Post, I am am committed to WordPress, even though we’re having that rocky phase they warned us about in the wedding ceremony.

So, isn’t it pretty? My new, updated blog?? I’m joking. Although this was a major undertaking, and the WordPress upgrade was a gigundo upgrade, the whole thing happened on the backend (that’s what she said!) and you’ll have to trust me that this really happened. Trust me, baby.