topic #330

Hi hi again, you punishing daily blog hellchild.

Fortunately, WordPress, who planted the evil seed known as Post a Day or Daily Post or WHATEVER, has daily topics available for blogspiration. So here we go! Relevance a go go!

When you go to an movie theater, do you prefer it to be empty so can sit anywhere you like? Or do you prefer a packed house like on opening night? When you can sit anywhere, where do you sit and why?

Such an awesome question. Guess we’re all feeling the strain. Oh, no, Daily Post, you know I kid. Off to answer your question!

I sat in a lot of movie theatres for a whole lot of movies for a short number of years, when I worked for a film foundation. While there was a certain amount of giddy excitement at an opening night or festival premiere, during which a packed house added to the excitement, I ended up preferring emptier venues.

Usually so I could put my feet up and snooze if need be. Oh, I can fall asleep sooo easily at the movies. Just ask the Boyf, who this summer witnessed me passing out during the final (oh so loud) scene of Thor 3D!

I also dislike packed houses because of the noise factor, which only gets worse as the years drag on. When did it become okay to bring toddlers to the movies? — I would ask if I were the late Mr. Rooney or some equal-strength curmudgeonly figure.

I also am somewhat scarred from an incident at the Silent Film Festival, strangely enough. I put my jacket down on a seat and went elsewhere, only to find someone sitting in my seat upon my return. The interloper had failed to see the jacket, which had kind of sunk down into the crease of the seat, in the dark. Since it was a sellout show, we had a situation. I don’t remember the outcome, but I sure remember how gross it was, since were both kind of in the right and I usually hate the stranger confrontation.

When I go to the movies with someone, I always ALWAYS defer to their preference as to where to sit. Ultimately, I don’t really care where we are*, so it’s easier just to give in to people’s little preferences (aisle! way close! way far! exact center!)

* since, changes are, I will probably drift off.

Okay! Subject: exhausted!