oh, crap

I am unable to keep my eyes open, partially due to ongoing Weird Sinus Sensation of the last few days; jittery wee-hour insomnia blasts; and continuing the steady diet of nutritious fat- and sugar- laden food and drink that comes with this time of year. Wait, are some of these things related?

I’m feeling pretty happy, just kind of weird in the head. I can hear all of you snark to yourselves “yeah and tell us something new” and if I had any energy at all I’d swat you one.

As to the title of this post: this is what I said aloud a minute ago when I checked my blog, hoping that a post would magically appear for the day, which it tragically did not. So, oh, crap. Here is a blog post.

Here is a small story. I hauled my frustrating, semi-professional big girl’s DLSR camera to the camera repair guys today, finally. The flash has never worked right from the start — many pictures have been half in shadow due to the timing mechanism or the mirror or something or other. Lately, it’s been nearly impossible not to get a shot that looks like it’s being half-pulled into a shadowy black vortex. I walked into the store that is named for the original owner (fun fact: who my aunt used to date!) to find two youngish hip dudes hanging out behind the counter in the very empty store.

Me: Hi, guys! Whatcha doing?
Hipster 1: You know, talking.
Me: About cameras, I assume!
Hipster 2: Nope. Guns.

I handed the camera over and of course, OF COURSE (you can probably guess this next bit if you think a little) no one was able to recreate the problem. I have taken about 75 shots today and tonight, with many settings and conditions, and it’s working perfectly, better than it ever has.

It’s a MIRACLE!!

And with that, good the hell night.