we win


How about that Madonna halftime show? Sparkly, insanely over the top, emotionally intense (at least for me), pure spectacle .. this is now required holiday viewing till the end of time. Not only that, but I got to watch it at home, after a lovely picnic with the lad, and not having to deal with the footballies one bit. GOD BLESS THE INTERNET AND GOD BLESS MADONNA!!

I haven’t discussed my fandom too much, probably since because I’m partially made of gay man, people just assume I’m a front row Madonna fan.  Which I am, and have been, since she busted out of that weird dancey music scene that sprung up in New York after I left, way back when!



 Borderline is so weighted with intensely sweet memories of hanging out with my college friends Moya and Lisa (friends to this day), watching the video over and over, discussing her at length, knowing we were looking at something unique and new and wondering what was she all about?

She soundtracked my young womanhood. I did step aerobics to Vogue! My friends and I aped some of the tamer poses from Sex at impromptu photo shoots! Truth or Dare was the very first video I rented in San Francisco — such scandal!  I loved her, defended her, looked to her for clues on what my own potential could be.

I could go on and on (I remember where I was when I found out she was pregnant, I know, it’s getting embarrassing), but I’ll stop here. But she won’t! She won’t stop!

(oh my god i love madonna)


  1. moya watson on February 6, 2012 at 8:37 am

    Do you remember I took a class at UC Berkeley about west-German women documentary film-makers taught by a fellow called Rick McCormick? OK that sounds like more of a niche now than it did at the time – BUT – though the whole time apologizing for being a man, he unabashedly talked about how feminist Desperately Seeking Susan was and went on to prove it, using Lacanian feminist film theory.



  2. Brad Hudson on February 6, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    Loved it, Love You!

  3. hambox on February 7, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    Interesting articles:
    Gay Coding and Madonna’s (Brilliant) Halftime Show
    “She had come to Indianapolis to feminize, kitsch, and queer the Super Bowl, and by that measure her 12 minutes were a success. Madonna’s genius as an artist has been to remove subtext and eliminate the underground, to put everything out in the open…for decades, her entire point is that everything good and important should be mainstream. No one should hide or be hidden. There is no shame in whoever you are.”

    No Longer an Upset: Madonna Acts Her Age
    “At the Super Bowl, Madonna was the party girl turned regent: a queen on her throne, a homecoming queen strutting in the bleachers, a church singer fronting a choir. At the end, the words World Peace glowed from the field in giant letters. Madonna was proffering virtue.”