
A while back I solicited you to tell me what to write about. Here is number three:

Bella says: Tell us about the time something was so beautiful you cried, and you still get teary eyed thinking about it now.

This one springs to mind. On the Radiolab podcast, Ann Druyan, widow of Carl Sagan, relates a wonderful story about falling in love, space exploration, and her brain. I can’t give this story justice — you should listen to it here. I am unable to even think about this story without dissolving into tears.

Karl and Kevin’s wedding in ’09 was so beautiful, I also get weepy when trying to describe it. It was so full of love and promise and creativity and forgiveness and joy and seriousness and fun. The evening started with a shadow puppet performance, and just got better from there. The next day I described the night to Molly, and we both started blubbering. I want a wedding just like that, if I wanted a wedding. Which I might. Because of this wedding.

kevin and karl

I also got teary today thinking about the kayak trip that Annie and Mark and I took in April.

kayak trip to santa cruz april 2011

At one point (pictured above,) we paused to rest in a relatively quiet patch of sea near a cove. We anchored ourselves by grabbing a long piece of kelp and laying over our laps, as you can see Mark doing. The guide, JD, showed us how to pick the youngest bit of kelp leaves and eat them — surprisingly tasty.

Looking over at my relatives, my very closest family, seeing them so content, feeling the connection with them, sharing this moment that we made ourselves — I felt this burst of pure love. I felt like all the hard work of life was being paid back with the sweetest moment one could possibly endure.

Sheesh, I can’t even type about it without crying.

All three of these stories have to do with love, and love makes me cry. Huh.


  1. Bella - Lorelei on June 1, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    Thanks for using my question… I loved this…


  2. Cloudy on June 1, 2011 at 8:29 pm

    Yea for happy tears!