what a world


Selfie with Chihuly.

I feel like I got away with something, getting back home from Phoenix in decent time without speeding*. However, I think it’s an illusion — for one thing, I didn’t stop ONCE — gas tank of this rental was huge and apparently I didn’t need to eat or pee; and I gained (or lost?) that DST hour, so I actually drove an extra hour (I think? I have no idea how this all works.. and maybe AZ is a closer drive than I perceive). Anyway.

*$555 moving violation tickets can do that to a gal.

Today was full of good luck and lots of nice things. I went to the Desert Botanical Gardens to stare at cacti, my favorite thing to do. I was puzzled as I looked a long time for parking and then paid a big price to get into the gardens.. but it turns out I got there on opening day of the Chihuly exhibit!



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I knew OF Chihuly and wasn’t quite sure of his great swirly glass creations and odd-on-purpose persona. But oh my, this was great! I loved the beautiful, dangerous, colorful stakes in the ground. I loved the spiky sphere — absolutely huge and ethereal. Everything worked so well, and all at once I appreciated Chihuly and his very thoughtful approach to this exhibit. Hooray.

Then I partook of the brunch buffet at the Fortress (that is, the enormo retirement community in which my friend Joann lives). Two pieces of cream pie found my mouth.

Then I helped Jo with several computer problems and a big Keurig problem (apart from the general one of Keurig machines’ existence being a problem itself)… I went online and apparently the only surefire troubleshooting action for any Keuring is to unplug it, turn it upsidedown, and spank it hard on its bottom. So yeah, I spanked an appliance. And it then knew who was boss and resumed destroying the earth, one single-serving plastic container at a time.

THEN I bought up a big tankful of delicious, cheap Arizona gas.

THEEEEN I went to Copenhagen, the Southwestern franchise for inexpensive Scandinavian-style furniture, that’s right! It was so good. So good. I am going to rent a U-Haul next time I go to Phx and fill that sucker up with all the incredibly affordable goodness I saw there (spending my imaginary Kroner of course).

Hello clever little metal iPad table and affordable couches, hello, hello!

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I really didn’t know how much I needed that mini-vacation. Whew.

Then I got home to nice “hang in there” messages not to mention some very embarrassing and flattering comments from old friends saying things along the line of “where’s that Dorian Gray portrait, because girrrl you have barely aged” and that is sweet, but lordie I look every centimeter of my advanced age but yes I can suck it in a take a decent pic and well, but okay, thank you at any rate.


  1. Carol on November 11, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    Okay, so I have a Keurig; however, I feel okay about it because I bought the plastic little bullet that I fill and reuse everyday with regular coffee. I have no Keruig bullet waste, again, making me quite awesome.

  2. Toni T-R on November 13, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    You make me want to go to there! Chihuly looks cool, but that Copenhagen – fun!

  3. hambox on November 14, 2013 at 11:58 am

    Oh, Copenhagen. I also have a bead on a new IKEA-like home furnishings superstore for Japanese home style that just opened up in Orange County. This is what I do. Look at furniture I can’t have for the home that only exists in my imagination!