what i look like

what i look like

This went the rounds of Facebook recently and it made me laugh and laugh. There’s something about the ridiculous juxtaposition of doing something so personal so publicly that, if one does not laugh, one will cry.

I often run at a popular beach park and usually can just go to another mental space when I’m running and dodging all the many people. However, every once in a while, I get unnerved at the occasional appraising stare. And wonder what my ass really looks like as I’m running away. And if they can see how very slowly I’m going. And if I look cute at all, at ALL? Et fracking cetera.

roller blades!

I was pleased at these new and absolutely useless signs I spied there today, until I realized that’s not a runner, that’s a roller skater/blader. What happened to those wheeled people, anyway? And let me tell you, these signs will not remind anybody to move to their right, rein in their dogs, contain their baby carriages nor their babies. I try not to get to snotty with my “EXCUSE me” as I try to squeak by.

So yeah, this is what I look like after I run. Eeps.

me after a run. YIKES

There’s a gallery somewhere on the internet that has photos of people before and after they exercise, but I can’t find it. I remember it was compelling, and made me feel better about the way I look, or at least make me mind a little less if I do look like a lurching toddler, holding a bottle of bubble soap.


  1. Åsta on November 25, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    This one?
    Have a great thanksgiving, Becky 🙂