putter put put put

big bottle!

Hello, I’m not really feeling the desire to write yet … I’m still working through grief and still recovering from that thing that was June — and the thing that was that chest cold, the remains of which are still lurking around my bronchial passages. I have managed to to have some excellent moments so far this summer, but everything seems to be coming at some kind of cost. I am trying to be kind to myself, but all wicks and fuses are shorter than usual.

I was going to write about my new-to-me car (yes, another one) and the insane/horrible/hilarious story of trying to get the car dealer to fix a couple problems last week. However, I can’t put a spin or tone on it that would adequately convey the Groundhog Day-esque all-day disaster that included

  • a small but extremely unfriendly Miniature Pinscher, left unleashed, that lunged and snapped at me — twice
  • a very, very loud screaming argument in Russian that occurred post lunging/snapping — twice
  • a problem that got fixed; ceased to work after I drove away; worked again when I came back; ceased to work after I drove away (status: still not working)
  • a problem that got fixed and now is slowly breaking again
  • a whole lot of invective by me (in English) and by car lot guy (in Russian) — hurled at each each other at high volume while I drove away for the third time
  • weeping in frustration while on the phone with the Boyf at home — before two chainsaw-wielding gardeners drown out all that is good in the world with their NOISE

Besides, since I started this post, I’m feeling a lot better, mental and physical health-wise. The car situation is receding into a “you get what you pay for” shrug; someday I’ll spend enough money on a car so that I don’t get into these shenanigans. And honestly, even with the sad and the argh and the ill, this summer is great. Great! More later, probably.


  1. cloudy on July 18, 2012 at 9:44 am

    Yes, someday you will have a car that you will not have to worry so much about and that will be a good day. Take care & rest & let writing fall by the wayside a bit while you build strength. Ramp up.