a plague upon my house

My co-star on my trip to the International Improv Fest in Seattle last week was my cold, my endless cold. I was so ill. I had hoped, obviously, that I would be more out of the woods before I left. Little did I know this would be a 3 week+ rhinovirus odyssey.

Things for which I am grateful:

  • Leona, a Seattle improviser and registered nurse, who kept an eye on me (and my mucus!) during my trip
  • My roommates, all five of them, who were forced to share a tiny, be-bunk-bedded hostel room with my virus. They were kind and gracious despite all those nights of my snuffling/schnorfling/moaning/pleading with the powers that be
  • The attendees of the festival at large, who put up with the daytime version of my discomfort (different but equally disruptive)
  • Masako, who brought me a cup of tea just when I really, really needed it; and Jonathan, who gifted me with a bottle of Vitamin C
  • The sinus rinse system that I purchased while up there; sort of a power washer version of a neti pot
  • My wonderful, beautiful friend Cloudy, who braved the germs and ate a fabulous meal with me and watched me stumble around on stage. I needed her!

Even though it was a trial, I had a great time. I had to sit out some events, which was disappointing, but I took on a much more observant role that I normally do. I may have learned more than I would have, if I had been fully able to talk and to blab and to fully indulge my short attention span.

When I came back, my Elderly Relative came down with it. We are a matching duo, with our froggy voices and perpetually running noses.


  1. Cloudy on June 29, 2011 at 11:18 am

    I felt so bad that cold insisted on riding shot gun on your trip, but at least you did not let it take center stage. LOVED getting to see you perform. Very fun & funny.