my double vision always seems to get the best of me

I finally shambled on over for an eye exam, after a couple years of eye neglect. I had not been looking forward to it, because, in addition to my near-sightedness, I have been increasingly in need of reading glasses. Ah, age.

I have been trying to have fun with the whole reading glasses thing — finding the silliest glasses I could find at the dollar store. In fact, my Big Ugly Glasses became the star of the show when I was in Seattle.

[direct link]

So. My eye exam lasted 20 minutes, and suddenly I was fitted for multi-focal contact lenses. Boom, I could totally see — close up, far away, everything. Comfortable, affordable, disposable. No weirdness at all. I have no idea how they work, but I am not questioning it. I can see. I can see!!

I’ll miss the Big Ugly glasses in fashion only.

fun with my big ugly reading glasses

[photos by the talented Luke Chmura]


  1. Violet on June 23, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    You can visit my Big Ugly Reading Glasses any time you feel nostalgic!

  2. hambox on June 23, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Thanks, Vi! Your B.U.R.G. are perhaps the ugliest of all.

  3. hambox on June 23, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    And by “ugliest” I mean “awesomenest”

  4. Cloudy on June 23, 2011 at 6:53 pm


    You pulled out those glasses to peruse the menu before explaining them and I was in awe. After the explanation, I was in love!