Diary Entry: December 21, Age 17
As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries!
PS: Check out this mildy amusing 21st century tale!
Michelle and Patrick and I hung out tonight. We (this is gross) went through the trash left out in front of Cliffhangers. It was mostly paper stuff .. we found those poppy bubble plastic sheets (whatever the hell it’s called), pop pop whatta gas. Then we stole a train station billboard featuring two hunks from GQ!
I watched the Love Boat — great show. Christmas episode!
You little crook!
When I was 14 (or maybe 15) I took a 50-pound “Express Trains to Brooklyn” sign out of a pile of, um, trash, at the Union Square station and lugged it home. I’d like to hang it up but I’m afraid of it falling.
LOL! This is awsome, especially since my roommates and I went dumpster diving the week before break and found some of the most amazing things EVER! IT IS AWSOME!