Diary Entry: December 4, Age 15
As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting actual excerpts from my actual teenage diaries!
I can’t stand it. I have 35 bucks and I need to buy Christmas presents for Dad, Jane, John, Cecile, Claire, Lisa, Annie, Sally, Jesse, Sarah, Auntie … what am I going to do with my whopping budget? Cookies? I don’t know.
Yay! Why “yay”, you ask? DANE is going to be in the play! With me!!!!!
go to the hambox advent calendar
So, first there was National Clean Hands Week in September, and now National Handwashing Awareness Week? Well, I’m not going to gibe, being a freak about keeping my hands clean and all.
And the name DANE… Sounds like the name of one of the popular kids in a John Hughes movie.
Dane is hot! Henry the Hand is NOT! OUCH! I’ll be sure to start “catching my sneeze with my elbow”. I’m gonna burst over here.